9 Self Awareness Development Tips You Can Start Applying Today

It’s ironic that we’re so interested to get to know other people, yet we don’t take the time to get to know ourselves. We always assume that we know ourselves best, but do we really?
We often receive feedback from other people, which we may resent or find surprising. This goes to show that we may not know ourselves all that well after all. Self-awareness is important in self-development and in learning to love and appreciate yourself, as well as in achieving your goals. Only by truly getting to know yourself can you identify ways to become a better person.
Although I’m still trying to get to know myself and will always be a work-in-progress, here are some of the things I do to become more self aware:

7 Tips on How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

When we encounter someone greater than us, we may end up feeling insecure, jealous, or envious
as we compare ourselves to them. On the other hand, when we encounter someone less than or
different than us, we tend to judge them and think they’re inferior to us.

There’s no quick and easy way to stop comparing yourself to others. It requires a change in mindset
and perspectives, which will take time.

23 Things You Should Say Yes To

I want to share my thoughts on the things we should say yes to, although it may seem counter-intuitive to do so. On the other hand, there are also a lot of good things we should say yes to, but which we either consciously or subconsciously push away from our lives.
Here goes some of the things you should welcome into your life.

20 Things You Should Not Put Up With

Part of loving yourself is being able to set boundaries on what you won’t allow into your life or what you won’t allow to distract you from your dreams, goals, and the things you consider most important. In the past, I’ve put up with a lot of things I shouldn’t have, and as I learned […]

How to Forgive Yourself

Two of the things that nag at us and hold us back are the feelings of shame and regret, and these feelings usually come about because we made a mistake or failed. These circumstances make us constantly wonder about what we should have, could have, or would have done had we known better.

25 Things You Should Let Go Of
9 Wonders Your Pet Can Do For You

9 Wonders Your Pet Can Do For You

Despite my appreciation of pets and animals, I’ve never really considered myself a pet lover. I couldn’t understand why my brother and my mom would go to great lengths to care for their pets. At times, I even thought they were impractical. Well, until I met Lucky… Lucky is a Persian cat whom I met […]

29 Dos and Don’ts that Will Boost Your Career

29 Dos and Don’ts that Will Boost Your Career (Part 3)

In the last few weeks, I’ve shared with you tips for boosting your career. Part 1 comprised tips 1-10 and Part 2 comprised tips 11-20. Here’s the last installment. I hope you find these tips helpful! Do and Don’t Tip #21. Do keep your work separate from your personal life. Don’t bring your personal problems […]

Do grab the opportunities that come your way

29 Dos and Don’ts that Will Boost Your Career (Part 2)

  In my last blog post, I shared the first ten tips for boosting your career. Here are tips 11-20. Enjoy! Do and Don’t Tip #11. Do grab the opportunities that come your way. Don’t let fear get the better of you.  Opportunities have a way of coming from out of nowhere. They often come so unexpectedly […]

29 Dos and Don'ts to Boost Your Career

29 Dos and Don’ts that Will Boost Your Career (Part 1)

I’ve been really busy with work these past few months. I recently launched a startup, and I’ve been busy trying to connect with fellow entrepreneurs and business owners in efforts to market my company’s services. What I like about running a business is the excitement that comes from not knowing what opportunities would come and how […]